
When it comes to credit cards, every individual has a different purpose and to fulfill that, you need to choose a card that suits you the most. There are credit cards best to pay your bills, others for a nice bargain on a shopping website. With the right choice, you can save money on your transactions.

To help you find the best card for your requirements, we have put together a list of some of the best credit cards in India.

A Credit Card is a thin rectangular piece of plastic or metal issued by financial institutions, which allows you to spend money from a pre-approved limit to pay for your transactions at both online and offline merchants. The card issuing institution determines the limit, based on your profile, income and credit history.

In the credit cards chain, the most important link is the consumer.

This financial instrument that has a pre-loaded balance that the cardholder can use to make transactions and pay for them later. The card issuer will let you pay off the balance fully, interest-free, for up to 50 days from the date of payment. To avoid any fines, the cardholder can pay the minimum amount due (which can be anywhere between 5% to 10% on the total amount owed). The balance, however, will be carried forward to the next month, and interest set by the credit card company will be levied.

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